Onwards and upwards, if it was easy everyone would do it!  

2023…like sonic speed wrapped in chaos! At the end of this year in Germany there is an economic recession and yet an urgent need to digitalize and automate – and therefore, also people with the willingness to continuously deliver and learn! There is scarcity of talent in the field coupled with a stagnation in investment and risk taking. To create movement, in the Data community, it is our duty to ensure that we in Hibernian understand the strategy and needs of our clients so that we exercise sustainable impactful business wins through organizational design.   

Shaking those COVID cobwebs and starting to get mobile again  

I am super grateful to have free-flowing ‘in-person’ meetings and to discover the depth of expertise in the BARC community. This year we deepened our relationships with Ab Initio, F5, CTT, Dell and the Synvert Data insights and re-formed new relationships with One Data, Echomotion, 23Data, Voltinium, NetApp, Nuranics and Digitall. Reflecting on 2023, it has been a tense year of building, positioning, andrevenue-wise it has been a challenging year as well. I am happy we have time to relax and reconnect with ourselves and family and friends.   

Uncertainty, Diversity in Data & Synchronicity 

With the uncertainty of war, higher inflation and interest rates it meant people were reluctant to move and invest. I believe the Data labour market should be loosened to allow talented Data experts to have more fluid movement. In Germany, the type of Data talent that is needed in 2024 is exciting as it calls on a diversity of thinkers and doers. 

My hope is that through Synchronicity we can build a faster more dynamic German Data community implementing clever, safe, AI solutions.  AI tools create CVs and Job Specification to 70% today. Our job is trusted relationships, to focus on uniting people together who have multi-dimensional abilities in a combination of how technology, process, economy and compliance work today.  In re-organization and reskilling there is a need for reduction of staff, while the private sector has an immediate need to have a Data squad to enable projects. 

My prediction for 2024  

My prediction for 2024 is that the EU AI will disrupt how staffing is handled in companies as enforcement fines mandate action. I see this as a major opportunity for the German data community, in that there could be a breakthrough in removing the quadruple Agency between hiring manager and new employee or augmented project member in our clients organizations.  

The road from hiring managers need to getting someone onboard is often too long and overly process driven. To reduce frustration in ‘Getting a new Job/project’, I have a wish that the processes for staffing are made more transparent, accurate and faster, and that Procurement and decision makers open up how staffing is handled.  If each cost center had the ability to connect to specialist suppliers then the time to solution and cost could be reduced. Technology democratizes decision making not centralizes it. 

My Vision: Hiring as a Service 

Providing the pool of talent to the right Hiring manager at the right time is Hiring as a Service. Both the Cost of Hiring and the Cost of Retention can be applied to the micro data community in Germany. Every company has the need to implement Data Mesh within the organizational structure that exists to provide innovation and transformation in the increased economic recession.  

Loving our jobs & Academia 

I love working with top talent from Academia, I am inspired to work with who are seeking clarity and purpose for their next steps. In 2024 there is more work to do to building our Service as a Career Coach for Enabling non-IT into the AI world, to encourage, prepare and place into a new role, working for a person that inspires them. We shall also be mindful of continuing to implement Ethical AI solutions on how we handle our HR relationship data. 

We slide into 2024 with a strong momentum and passion to serve our Clients and fulfil our mission for building a diverse data expertise community. I look forward to 2024 and am optimistic that we shall flourish in the success of providing key matches for game changing organizational positions with our Clients.  
“Einen Guten Rutsch!” and my personal wish is for business success and for personal joy, health and fun to all our HR community.  

Author: Ann Dempsey