How to Survive Christmas
The festive season is already upon us, with Christmas Eve and Day rapidly approaching. While many don’t celebrate Christmas, for those that do, the days ahead can seem stressful and daunting. But its also an opportunity to be mindful about closing out the old and starting out the new year.
Travelling or returning home to visit family or friends? Buying last minute gifts and making arrangements for Christmas Dinner? With all the pressure we put ourselves under, it’s easy to lose sight of what really matters: spending time with those you love (and having some good food while you are at it).
Surviving Christmas is about finding peace in the chaos and letting go of perfection. And if you’re having to spend the time with family, its might also very much be about setting boundaries and creating coping mechanisms. A google search on “How to survive Christmas“ returns many hits, from budgeting advice to gift-buying strategy and family management. (As well as far more specific ones, like “How to survive Christmas with a Tory family”, or if you are dieting, alone or a child of divorce).
There may be a gulf between enjoying and simply surviving Christmas, but considering how culturally embedded it is, it seems impossible to avoid it altogether. But as such, it’s an opportunity to briefly step out of the normal and routine, to feel a little festive, or to simply take a breather from the chaos and be mindful of what matters most to you.
And with that I want to wish you good luck, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, and a good transition into the new year!

How to Survive Christmas
The festive season is already upon us, with Christmas Eve and Day rapidly approaching. While many don’t celebrate Christmas, for those that do, the days ahead can seem stressful and daunting. But its also an opportunity to be mindful about closing out the old and starting out the new year.
Travelling or returning home to visit family or friends? Buying last minute gifts and making arrangements for Christmas Dinner? With all the pressure we put ourselves under, it’s easy to lose sight of what really matters: spending time with those you love (and having some good food while you are at it).
Surviving Christmas is about finding peace in the chaos and letting go of perfection. And if you’re having to spend the time with family, its might also very much be about setting boundaries and creating coping mechanisms. A google search on “How to survive Christmas“ returns many hits, from budgeting advice to gift-buying strategy and family management. (As well as far more specific ones, like “How to survive Christmas with a Tory family”, or if you are dieting, alone or a child of divorce).
There may be a gulf between enjoying and simply surviving Christmas, but considering how culturally embedded it is, it seems impossible to avoid it altogether. But as such, it’s an opportunity to briefly step out of the normal and routine, to feel a little festive, or to simply take a breather from the chaos and be mindful of what matters most to you.
And with that I want to wish you good luck, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, and a good transition into the new year!